Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

And what a beautiful one it was! My husband so rarely has more than one day off a week that it would have been nice anyway, but the gorgeous weather made it even nicer. My mom bought the boys these adorable matching shirts at Walmart yesterday:


They're so handsome! They're such good big brothers, too. Zoe is a lucky little girl to have them. We went to a picnic today where there were around 100 people, and it was so easy to keep track of them... I just had to look for the red stripes! I'm gonna dress them alike more often:)

Although I have to say I'm more often embarrassed by my country than proud of it, I do appreciate those who have served our country with the intention of protecting all of our freedom. And today I felt the true meaning of the holiday... In the back of my head all day was a picture of my grandfather, a young man, dressed in his navy uniform. When I saw the picture at his funeral last December, I remember thinking how handsome, and strong, and ALIVE he looked. Though my sons were by no means close to their great-grandfather, I hope they grow up with the same values he had. Like my husband, my grandpa was the kind of guy who got up every day, and worked hard, and did what he had to do to provide for his family, and for the most part, never complained... It was just what he did. That's something to be proud of.

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