Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Latest Stats

Sooo... I finally got Max and Zoe to the pediatrician for their 2 year and 2 month visits, respectively. So what if they're 2 and a half and almost 5 months? Seriously though, since I wasn't planning on doing vaccines at either of those visits, and since I didn't have any concerns about their health or development, I didn't feel the need to drag them into the ped's office where they would doubtlessly have picked up some nasty bug during the cold and flu season.

So I'll start with Max... He is a very healthy boy! He falls in the 50th percentile for both height and weight. That makes me very happy, because for a while there his weight was dropping a little lower than they'd like to see it, and he wasn't exactly shooting up height-wise, either. But he is right on track now. His ear tubes that were put in last winter are still in place, which is GREAT. He's been ear infection free ever since. The only concern I have right now is about his feet... He's a little pigeon-toed. Jennifer, our practice's APRN, isn't too concerned... She just wants to keep an eye on it. As far as vaccines, Max got DTAP and polio boosters, and his first dose of the varicella vax. I really didn't want to give him that yet, I wanted to wait and see if he picked up the actual virus before he hit adolescense. But he needs it to go to school in the fall, because unfortunately CT does not allow philosophical objection to vaccines. I'm waiting to give him the first MMR dose until right before school starts, but other than that he's pretty much caught up.

Zoe is also doing spectacular. She is in the 90th percentile for weight... and the 50th for height. Short and fat, lol. I guess all that nursing is paying off. She is right on target developmentally, and Jennifer seems to think her eyes will stay blue, although I'm still not convinced. I am still on the fence about piercing her ears... I was gonna do it at her next visit, but after seeing her get her first shots, I don't think I can cause her even brief pain for purely cosmetic reasons. She got HIB and Prevnar, and will go back in a month for IPV and DTaP.

I feel so fortunate to have found a pediatrician her in New Haven that is okay with a selective and/or delayed vaccine schedule. So many doctors are so close-minded and fear-mongering about the issue. We use New Haven Pediatrics, headed by Dr. Tamiko Jackson on Chapel street here in New Haven.

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