Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Few Words About No Pudge Fudge Brownies

What could be better for a calorie-conscious chocolate addict than 110 calorie per serving brownies? This is exactly what I thought to myself when I saw No Pudge Fudge Brownies as Trader Joe's last tuesday. However, having bought and made this box of brownies, I have discovered a few things:

1)These brownies are so simple to make... You just add a 2/3 a cup of vanilla low-fat yogurt. But because the mixture contains no raw eggs, there is absolutely nothing stopping me from consuming sickening amounts of the uncooked batter. I kept saying "Max, if you keep eating the batter, they'll be nothing left to bake," all the while shoving spatula-full after spatula-full into my own mouth. This fact was made painfully obvious when our brownies were only a quarter inch thick when poured into the 8x8 pan:(

2) Despite the name, I do not think these brownies can be considered "No Pudge" if you consume the whole tray.

3)Running 13.1 miles on sunday does not make it okay to to eat brownies in place of 2 out of 3 meals on monday. And tuesday.

4) If you would like to maintain the "No Pudge" status of your brownies (and your heiny) it is best not to add things like marshmallows and peanut butter to the batter, like I did.

5)Moral dilemma: Is it okay to continously offer your baby the breast when she does not appear at all interested, with the sole motive of burning off some of those formerly No Pudge Fudge brownie calories?

That is all.

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