Saturday, May 22, 2010

Daily Darling 5/22


"Awww, how cute," you're thinking. "She's sleeping." Yes, she is. And why is Ms. Zoe sleeping at 8 o'clock in the morning? Because she's been up since 5, that's right, FIVE o'clock in the morning. (I apologize to all the mommies who's babies ALWAYS wake up at 5 a.m.. I know you're out there, and kudos to you, I don't know how you do it). So why was she awake at 5am? Well, , let's rewind to last night. You may recall that friday night in the Edwards home is pizza night. So, I'm doing my pizza-making thang, I've got one in the oven on my wonderful new pizza stone, and another one all rolled out, olive oiled up, and ready to go, on the kitchen island. So, I take the beautiful, bubbly cheese pizza out of the oven, transfer it off of the pizza stone, and go to put the next pizza onto the stone... So, where is it? Where the f*ck is my pizza dough? I KNOW it was right here, on the island. Oh, my god, why is Roxy (little black Staffordshire Bull Terrier) licking her dog lips like that??? What is that in her mouth, is that? DOUGH?! She ate an ENTIRE pizza's worth of dough?!! Oh dear god.

This morning, 5am. I hear Roxy trit trot over to the bedroom door. Then I hear this awful splashing sound, like a glass of water being dumped on the floor. Oh, that can't be good. It's not more than 5 seconds before the smell of dog poo permeates the air. Long story short, I was up at 5 this morning, cleaning up puddle after puddle of dog diarrhea. And of obviously, since my nipple was not in her mouth, Zoe was also awake (She thinks mommy is a pacifier, how cute.) Hence the 8am nap.

So, the outfit is Carter's again, and from my MIL, again. So cute, so comfy, and I wish you could see the cute little flower on her rear end. And yes, that is a polkadot onesie peeking out from under her hoodie. On her head is a nice big red rose, accented by orange chiffon, and set on a pink crochet headband.

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