Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Frienships are Forever


I love this picture! I think it goes along with my "Whatever they'll be they'll be" themed post from the other day. I find it interesting, not just that my son Max dressed himself in a purple satin princess dress, but that his little girlfriend, Millie Jane is dressed as Batman. People are usually forgiving of little girls who favor more "boyish" clothing. They are called "tomboys" and it is, for the most part, socially acceptable. However,little boys who choose to sport pink, purple, flowers, glitter, or whatever their little hearts desire, still provoke stares and dirty looks in public. Recently a friend recounted a story to me of her son choosing a pair of pink polka dot rain boots. Everywhere she goes, strangers, adults, stare, and make comments such as "Silly boy, did you put on your sister's boots today?" Her little boy, obviously confused, answers "Uh, no, they're mine". Rude Adult: "Are you sure?". As if this person just could not rest until she felt satisfied that this was indeed a mixup, and that no gender roles are being violated nor comfort zones or social norms being pushed. And the thing that really gets me is that, at least on the preschool level, the other children are completely accepting of this sort of thing... They don't even bat an eyelash. Once again, I think we all need to step back and take a lesson from our children.

Oh, and my favorite part? Embroidered on Max's princess dress are the words "Friendships are Forever". I hope that one is:)

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