Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Daily Darling 6/1


What a happy girl! People ask me all the time "Doesn't she try to take those headbands off?" or "I can't believe she lets you put those on her!". And no one believes me when I tell them Zoe LOVES her bows. Every morning when I get her dressed she smiles and coos as I'm diapering her and pulling on her clothes. But I sware, when I put on her headband, she smiles and looks at me with pure joy and her eyes say "Thank you, Mommy, for putting this gigantic flower on my head. I feel SO pretty." Yes, I realize I sound like a complete maniac, but c'mon, her face says it all. She loves it.

She also looks like such a BIG girl in her little t-shirt and shorts. The shorts are actually size 12 months, but they fit just fine over her big cloth diaper butt. And I love this onesie, it is the only one she has that I don't just use as an undershirt. The rainbow hearts have such a fun 80's vibe.

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