Friday, May 21, 2010

But is it free?

I just stumbled upon a link to this article on Facebook and thought I would repost it. She talks about how ridiculous the claims are that Enfamil is making. Here is a little sample:

“Our new Triple Health Guard is found only in Enfamil Premium. The result of years of leading edge research, new Enfamil Premium is clinically proven to promote growth, improve* brain and eye development, and improve* respiratory and immune system outcomes.”

I had actually never seen this commercial, because I try to keep the TV the kids watch on the commercial-free networks, but I am not surprised at all. Formula companies keep coming up with more and more outlandish claims, trying to make formula sound like this magical cure-all that turns your baby into some sort of super-hero. Let's face it... Human milk is the perfect food for human babies. Feeding my baby a powdered, canned, or bottled version of cow or soy milk and a bunch of synthetic vitamins will never be superior to feeding my baby the food that my own body makes for her. End of story. I understand that a very very small percentage of moms are unable to breastfeed their babies for whatever reason, and I can't imagine having to go to work full time when my baby was just a few weeks old, and going back and forth between the breast and the whole pumping/bottle thing. In our society, breastfeeding has sadly become somewhat of a luxury... But it is definitely one that my family is willing to make sacrifices to have. My husband works 65+ hours a week so that I can stay home and nurse our baby. But for some moms, formula seems like the only realistic option... I get that. But saying that formula is as good as breastmilk, or that it can do things like create immunities and improve respiratory function, is just a bunch of bullshit. Breast is, and always will be, best.

The next thing you know, Enfamil will be saying that their new formula can protect mothers against breast cancer and help them fit into their skinnie jeans faster after giving birth(; But until they make it FREE, like the stuff I feed my little princess, there's just no comparison, lol.

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