Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day at the Beach

Wow, what an unexpectedly fun day. I usually spend Saturdays with my mother (Mamu, as she is known to my kids). But today Mamu had to to go over to my recently deceased and immensely missed grandparents house to do some cleaning and tie up loose ends. So we were on our own, and since I don't have my own car, whatever we were doing, we were walking. So before my mom left for the day (we are lucky enough to have a live-in Mamu)I went for a run with Max and Zoe in the Ironman. As I was running, I decided I would head to East Shore Park here in New Haven, and have my mom meet me there with Elliott. East Shore park has a huge, beautiful playground, equipped with a standby ice cream truck, baseball and soccer fields, port-o-potties, and paved pathways ideal for a jogging stroller, leading up to a surprisingly quiet and private-feeling beach. So after purchasing a few jumbo jet pops that quickly melted into sticky blue rivulets down my children's faces and arms, we walked down to the little (and I do mean little) beach. My boys had such a great time, just being little boys, digging in the sand, discovering sea glass, tiny hermit crabs and huge horseshoe crabs, 1,000 varieties of seaweed, and even a jellyfish! Zoe spent the entire day strapped to my back in the mei tei, snoozing away.By the time we headed home, they were filthy beyond filthy, lightly sunburned, and deeply tired.


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