Saturday, May 15, 2010

Daily Darling 5/15


This is one of the few outfits Zoe has that actually isn't a hand-me-down. It was a gift from the "shower" my husband's co-workers at Steven Mancini Salon (he's a hairdresser) gave him while I was pregnant with her. It was a total surprise, and they gave us sooo much cute stuff- this little dress is one of my favorites, though. It's from the Gap. The colors are so vibrant, and I love the little blue elephants in the pattern. Speaking of vibrant colors, doesn't this headband just scream SUMMER? The fancy organza bow is courtesy of the Bowabra, of course(;

1 comment:

  1. could i enter to win this one? :)
    my dd's 13 months and still doesn't have any fancy flower headbands! i liked this one best (thought they're all cuuuute!) because of the color combo, i think it will go with lots. and i tend to be a fan of the smaller flowers. thanks for offering the lotto! my ds usrid is: swolter
