Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Daily Darling 5/26


Poor baby, she looks so hot and sweaty in this picture! We had a high of 88 here in New Haven. On the way home from Toddler Tunes we stopped to buy a kiddie pool. The boys had a blast, even though the hose water was freezing cold in contrast with the hot, humid air. Zoe, however, was very prissy about the whole thing, retracting her feet and pouting each time I tried to give her a little dip. Oh well, we'll try again another time. Hey, she was BORN in a pool, she's gotta be a water baby right?

Anyway, this little ladybug number happens to be another Millie Jane hand-me-down that came to us with the tags still on. And, although you can't see them in the pic, she is wearing her brand new Robeez "Papillon" sandals. They came yesterday from Zappos, (God, I love Zappos VIP. Unlimited free one-day-shipping, and free return shipping, plus OUTSTANDING customer service.)And I just happened to have a bunch of 7/8 inch ladybug ribbon that matched PERFECTLY! I got it in a grab bag from I think the yellows chiffon really brings it all together, don't you?

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