Monday, May 17, 2010

Daily Darling 5/17


This outfit is so unique...Just like ZOE! My mother-in-law gave it to her on the day she was born, and I remember thinking "This thing is huge, it's never gonna fit my little peanut". And now it's a perfect fit... I also just put away all her size 0 Kissaluv's and the tiny newborn pocket diapers I made her. She was pouring out of them, and my friend Stephanie is going to be having her baby any day, so I figured I better send them her way. But it just broke my heart, especially because she is my last baby. (Greg got the snip-snip while I was still pregnant). They grow too fast!

Anyway, my favorite detail about this outfit is the green lettering across the chest that says "All Girlbugs Need Hugs," and it even has a little stripey buggy sewn onto it! Oh and the heiny is covered in girly green ruffles! And on her head is a sweet violet crochet headband with a nice fat brown gerbera daisy.

1 comment:

  1. She looks so shocked to have her picture taken... adorable!!
    New-Mommy-Sara on
