Sunday, May 16, 2010

Daily Darling 5/16

Ok, so today Zoe WAS wearing this adorable pleated dress, with little tiny soda-shop style milkshake details that make it look oh-so-50's. I love how bold the big red flower looks against the pink headband, and it has just a touch of brown chiffon underneath. The dress is a hand-me-down from Millicent Jane, my friend Jenese's little girl. Millie reportedly only wore it once, and did a huge explosive breastmilk poo up the back before anyone even got to see her in it. So why did I say Zoe WAS wearing this dress? You guessed it, she did a huge explosive breastmilk poo up the back right after this picture was taken. The damn thing's cursed! Poor daddy had to give her a bath! And where was mommy that she was unavailable to assist with the poo aftermath? I was out running, solo, doing a "dry run" for my half-marathon in June. Thats's right, I ran 13.1 miles this morning, in under 2 hours! And now if you'll excuse me, I need to go take 800mg of ibuprofen, ice my knees, eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's, and then sleep for the next 18 hours.

1 comment:

  1. love this orange flower headband Mama - something about how big and bold it is on her sweet cherub face. I'd love to enter your lotto -DS name jamieism
