Monday, May 17, 2010

We have a winner!

So I held a little Free For Shipping Lotto on my favorite parenting site Diaperswappers to win one of the headbands Zoe is wearing in last week's Daily Darling posts. I just asked people to comment on their favorite headband and tell me why they liked it. Then I chose a winner at random, and she wins it, all she has to pay for is shipping. So our winner is... Jamie AKA Jameism! Thanks, Jamie, for playing!

I just love spreading the girliness, LOL. I think I'll make it a habit, so join us next monday for another round of "WIN ZOE's BOWS!"

Just so everyone knows, I am not one of these creepy pageant moms...I know my daughter is much more than a little doll for me to dress up. She is a person, who will one day grow into an independent, intelligent, creative, beautiful young woman. Her personality is her's alone, and I will never try to pidgeon-hole her into my idea of what a daughter is, or make her into something she's not. When she is bigger, she can be a cheerleader, or join the softball team. Wear tutus and tiaras, or baseball caps and overalls... or all of the above! I will always love her for who she is and encourage her to be proud of being a girl, in whatever way feels right to her. But for now, while she is still my baby, when all that matters is being cuddled to my breast and fed and changed and loved, I am going to put giant ridiculous bows on her head and take pictures:)

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