Friday, May 14, 2010

Daily Darling 5/14


I just love this outfit. It's actually another hand-me-down from Riley, I believe it originally cam from Babystyle. Anyway, I wish you could reach into your monitor and feel this fabric.It is sooo soft, and has such a playful texture. It reminds me of one of those fancy poodle dogs. And the criss-cross ballerina style top is so Zoe. On her feet right now? Well, nothing... I forgot to bring down socks this morning, and now she's napping. But when she wakes up, I think I'll go with her little pink socks that are made to look like ballet slippers. Oh, and how could I forget that stunning headpiece?! It's a crochet headband with a breathtaking frosted peony. The color is so pretty, like an ivory with just a hint of gold tones.

And just in case anyone was wondering, this is what Maxwelll has chose for today's outfit...

It's pretty much his signature look(;

And I can't remember what Elliott put on this morning, but you can bet the shoes are on the wrong feet, the waistband of his underpants is twisted, his shirt is by this time covered with smears of peanut butter, and that the outfit is, in some way, Star Wars related.


  1. I loved that outfit!! I can;'t believe it still fits her!! When we saw her in it a few weeks ago it was getting tight. As for the Ralph Lauren dress and bloomers, it was one of my favorites, hard to give away. =(

  2. I love this headband! It's simple yet chic. My DD doesn't have many head bands and none of them are as beautiful as this one. I'd love a chance to win it :) My DS name is SuperDuperSAHM.
