Friday, June 11, 2010

Daily Darling 6/11


What is it about those cheeks that makes me want to bite 'em so bad? She's irrsistable. She looks so cute and comfy in these denim overall shorts with the heart and flower patches. You can't see it, but her onesie says "Little Ray of Sunshine". Cute, but lately, she's been acting more like a giant rain cloud:(
Teeth, maybe? She's usually so good about entertaining herself while I get stuff done around the house- she generally is content to sit in her swing or lay in her baby gym looking around, happily jabbering at me or her brothers for a good 15-20 minutes at a time. But the past 2 days, she will not let me put her down, even when she seems to be in a great mood- if I even try she immediately dissolves into tears. Oh, well, my mei tai has been getting plenty of use- thank god for that. Max has also been acting like, well, a two-year-old, I guess... but a very cranky, disagreeable one! And thank God for Elliott... he is certainly hard to deal with at times, too, but at least him you can REASON with. He actually cares how I feel about things. Empathy, that wonderful thing that kicks in around age 3, making a parent's life OH so much easier. Aye, they're lucky they're cute.

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