Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Another (Almost) Great Day

Today was another day of summer bliss... Well, almost. We took the G bus out to Lighthouse Point Park here in New Haven and met up with my friends Stephanie and Jenese, and their younguns, including 3-week-old baby Kaleb! The kids all played so nicely together. Lighthouse is a great place to spend the day with little kids, because it has the whole beach/sand thing, and when they get bored of that, there's a HUGE splash pad with nice big umbrellas for the grownups, and when they get bored of THAT, there's a fantastic playground. And if you're really lucky, the beautiful old carasouel will be running.

So after the kids had done the entire beach/splash pad/playground circuit, I noticed Elliott looking really tired. I didn't think much of it... Hey, a day at the beach will wear anybody out. But as we were packing up, he just laid down on a towel and closed his eyes, and at the bus stop, he only took 2 bites of the popsicle he'd been begging for all day. By the time we got home, he had a 103 degree fever, chills, and a gray cast to his skin. Poor guy! I gave him some Motrin to bring his fever down, but he's saying his throat hurts, so I think tomorrow we'll have to pay a visit to the pediatrician.

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