Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hello Summer!

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Okay, so I have to admit I've been somewhat living in fear of Elliott being on summer vacation. Not that he's a lot of trouble, but having 3 kids under 5 under 1 roof 24 hours a day is enough to scare any stay-at-home mom. Now I don't know how the rest of the summer will go, but today couldn't have been more perfect. The boys were on their best behavior all morning, no temper tantrums, brawls, hunger strikes, etc., and Zoe even played quietly in her exersaucer while I vacuumed the entire downstairs. In the afternoon we walked down to the park on front street, where they have a little splash pad. Zoe and I lounged in the shade while the boys played in the sprinklers and dug trenches in the wood chips. Then we went home and had some BBQ chicken and corn on the cob. (we were supposed to have asparagus to, but apparently it had gone bad... Like, 3 weeks ago). Ah... If only every day could be filled with summer bliss.

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