Sunday, June 20, 2010

Daily Darling 6/20


Zoe was all coos and smiles today... Yay! Despite lingering nose drips here and there, she seems to have overcome this cold, and it really had her down for the count for a day or two. I'd like to credit exclusive breastfeeding for helping her to recover quickly from things like this, but Max nursed until he was two, and is still plagued with ear infections (until he got tubes), sinus infections, coughs, and colds that linger for weeks on end. But I have to remind myself that, although he does have trouble in the ear, nose, and throat department, imagine how much WORSE those issues might be if I hadn't breastfed him for so long? He might have ended up with allergies, asthma, or God knows what else. I really believe that breastfeeding gave his little immune system the boost it needed to get him through a bout of pneumonia at 11 months quickly and safely. Thank God for nursing... truly.

Anyway, back to Zoe's attire... This pink and green plaid jumper is, you guessed it, a MJ hand-me-down. The plaid is so vibrant and summery, and her gorgeous crystal-centered dahlia is a perfect match.

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