Saturday, June 19, 2010

Daily Darling 6/19


My baby's back! I've been slacking on the blog, because Zoe's had a cold and has been in no mood to have her picture taken. But today she was feeling MUCH better. Here she is pictured in her carseat on a visit to Aunt Munga's house ("Munga" is the name Elliott coined for my sister Meghan as a baby... It just stuck). Munga lives in a rental community that happens to have a gorgeous inground pool. Today we visited the pool for the first time this year. I wore Zoe in my mesh water sling, and the monkeys paddled around with their swimmies on.They had so much fun, although it was admittedly stressful monitoring 3 children near big, deep water.

Zoe is wearing a gorgeous spring green dress curteousy of one Mille Jane Olynciw- Olkuski. And this headpiece is one of my favorites... the green of the flower is so delicate and feminine against the ballet pink of the band.

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