Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Daily Darling 6/8

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BIG is BEAUTIFUL! I'm talking about my chunky little princess, but of course her bow is of a respectable size as well:) I don't know what's going on with her, but lately it seems like she develops a new fat roll every day! And that is just fine with me, because each and every ounce is the result of a 100% breastmilk diet.

Today was the end if the year picnic in Edgewood Park for Elliott's school. I had her in a little Ralph Lauren dress and cardigan, but the weather turned out to be damp and chilly. I knew I had a warmer outfit packed in the diaper bag, but it must have been a while since I packed it because I could barely snap the crotch, and the pant legs were like capris. I ended up having to wrap her in Elliott's viking beach towel to keep her little cankles warm warm!

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