Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Boys


It's been a while since I've posted pics of those two sweet monkey faces, so I thought I'd share this pic of them out to lunch at Friendly's on saturday (Mamu's treat!). It is just ridiculous how grown-up Elliott is getting. For those of you who are friends with me on Facebook, you may have read that I accidentally put on Elliott's t-shirt the other day! It is a sad day when you actually momentarily consider "Hey wait, can I pull off this pokemon shirt?"

After we went to Friendly's, we headed over to Target to pick up some unnecessary necessities. Max decided he HAD to have a 20$ motorized R/C "Hiro" train from Thomas the Tank Engine, and, well, it just wasn't "in the budget", as my Dad used to say. So, because he is 2, he cried like his heart was broken through the aisles of Target, while people stared at me as if I was an abusive parent. THEN, I saw a display of little 2$ nail polish bottles.

Me: Max, do you want Mommy to pant your nails when we get home?
Max: (Gasping for breath between sobs) Yeeeeeeaaaaaah!
Me: Okay, if I buy you nail polish will you stop crying?
Max: (Struggling to regain composure) O... (sniffle) kayee!
Me: Ok, what color would you like?
Max:(Beaming as if he hadn't been crying so hard he was about to vomit 2 seconds ago) BWOO!
Me: Blue it is.

2$ is totally in the budget.

So an hour later, both my sons had bright blue fingernails and toenails.Today we went to a birthday party for the daughter of one of Greg's co-workers. At bedtime, Elliott told me sadly, "Mom... A lot of those boys were teasin' me about my nail polish." For a second my heart raced. Am I a horrible mother for allowing my son to do things that will doubtless make him the target of ridicule and disdain from his peers? Did I use poor judgement? Shouldn't I be encouraging him to "fit in"? "Elliott," I said "should we take your nail polish off so you won't get teased by the other kids?" Elliott says "No way! It's totally awesome!" That's my boy! This week I think I will check this book out of the library: "IT'S OK to Be Different" by Todd Parr... Every child (and parent) should read this book. It's one of my favorites:)

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