Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer Sickie Update

So yesterday I brought Elliott to the walk-in clinic near my house, because I didn't think it was fair to drag him on 2 buses across town to see our regular pediatrician. They did a rapid strep culture, which was negative, and didn't bother to do a 24 hour culture. "Soar thorat + fever= antibiotics" he said. So Elliott is on Zithromax, which absolutely kills me... I HATE giving my kids antibiotics. But I also hate seeing them sick, so when a Dr. tells me antibiotics will make them better, it's hard to stick to my guns... Who knows, maybe he did need it, because he seemed to be feeling 100% better after his first 2 doses.

But of course, this afternoon, Max suddenly came down with a fever. The walk-in clinic only sees kids 5+, so it looks like we'll be making that hike to the ped's office after all. Poor Maxy. I'm just praying Zoe stays healthy, and me, too, for that matter... I've got a 1/2 marathon to run on Sunday!

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