Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Zoe is growing up so fast.. too fast for my last baby:( She is six months old today! Yesterday she tried solids or the very first time (to my knowledge, god only knows what the boys give her when my back is turned, lol). I will post a link to the video as soon as I figure out how to upload it. She didn't take to it like Max did, but she wasn't totally opposed to it either, the way Elliott was. She greeted the home-pureed organic bananas with a mixture of confusion hesitancy, and curious delight. It's so much fun seeing her try solid food, especially for her Daddy, because he's never gotten to feed her before! Changing her diapers now that she's no longer exclusively breastfed, however, (sniffle) is NOT going to be fun.

She reached another big milestone today- sitting up all by herself! Okay, so it was just for a few seconds, but still, she did it! Of course, I caught it on camera:Photobucket

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