Thursday, July 15, 2010

Daily Darling 7/15


Don't be fooled... She may look like a sweet, innocent, adorable little girl, but she is really an evil little troll, hell-bent on driving her mother, father, and both of her brothers off the deep end.

Zoe cries in the car. No matter what. We've tried everything. Toys. Singing. Sitting next to her in the back. Only driving when it's her nap time. Only driving when she's had a good nap. Stopping every 15 minutes to nurse her. Feeding her bottles of breastmilk in her carseat. Feeding her strained peas in her carseat. Begging. Bribery. NOTHING works.

Prior to our recent vacation to Kennebunk, ME, the longest Zoe had cried in the car is an hour, which was broken up by a pit-stop or two to nurse her, change her diaper, and make other vain attempts at making her ride a joyful experience. As we prepared for our vacation, I thought "Surely she can't cry the ENTIRE way there. Surely she will eventually get the idea that we can't take her out of her carseat, and just fall asleep". On the way there we got lucky- she only cried for two and a half hours straight. Yay.

No such luck on the way back. She cried AAAAALLLLLL the way home- 4.5 hours, with a nurse/change pit-stop in the middle. And the crazy thing is, the second she sees your face and realizes you are about to take her out, the horrible, strangled sounding, cry-til-you-puke screaming stops instantly. All she wants is to be held. On one hand it makes me feel better that she is not crying because she is hungry or uncomfortable, but on the other hand, it makes me feel awful. The poor little baby, I mean, um, evil troll, just wants a cuddle.

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